Talk:Unification Physics

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Please create another unification page if you have another unification approach other than the one detailed on the main page. Intermediate vector bosons are labeled “weak carriers” because they always show up in certain decay processes. This hardly means they’re actually force carriers. All it means is that they’re common intermediate decay products. Some years ago, I found a neglected conventional researcher who independently realized Step 1 above. I forget his name. Step 2 might seem pointless but it’s actually a very strong item in the framework. Some unconventional researchers have proposed SR+GR unification via the following idea: what if accelerated masses shrink in size uniformly as they speed up? Sounds “nice” at first but disagrees with observations: Lorentz contraction is only along line-of-flight. That and Lense-Thirring can both be explained with exclusive temporal curvature. So something that appears geometric may not be when time is involved. Another way to state Step 3 is ‘gravitons’ = ‘gluons’. Both terms are hypothetical and so I avoid them. They’re totally unnecessary in this framework.

I believe EM will never be unified, in the traditional sense, with what I label gravistrong, gravitation + strong-nuclear – for very simple reasons. The venue of photons is space and the only non-spatial attribute of space is impedance. The venue of gravistrong is time, specifically temporal elasticity. Sure, the two parameters may be related via Planck-measures, but that’s a far cry from total unification. Traditionally, “at higher energies, similar forces converge toward a super-force”. But that only applies to forces with a common venue. As I understand the super-force gravistrong – and – electromagnetism, they have completely disparate venues, totally separate/disjoint. Space and time should never be combined conceptually; space-time is a misnomer/oxymoron.