Boris Stoyanov
Boris Stoyanov is a theoretical physicist working on Membrane Theory, Supergravity and Superstring Theory. He is the Principal and Permanent Member of SUGRA INSTITUTE, Executive Director of BRANE HEPLAB and the Giordano Bruno Professor of Membrane Theory at DARK MODULI INSTITUTE. Boris Stoyanov is a relatively young theoretical physicist dealing with the exclusive theories of supergravity, superstrings and all supersymmetric models of fundamental membrane theories. Main research interests are related to gauged supergravity, conformal supergravity and the full range of models with consistent supergravities in diverse spacetime dimensions. Main works include all known consistent supergravity theories and different views to the presence of supergravity including superstrings in fundamental supermembranes.
Boris Stoyanov[1] was born in Sliven, Bulgaria at the end of the past millennium. As a kid he has strong interests in science, art and music. He graduated from the prestigious High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Sliven, Bulgaria with profile Chemistry included intensive study of Physics and Mathematics. He is Master of Science in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from Sofia University with a master's thesis on the subject and special topic "Covariant and Consistent Anomalies in Gauded Supergravity", created in a two-year research study conducted at INRNE /Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences/ with deep results elegantly presented in his research master thesis. After graduation he actively works on gauge and gravitational anomalies in quantum and supersymmetric gauge theories, including exploring their participation in supergravity, superstring and M-Theory. In the current time of the present it deals with Consistent Supergravity Theories in Diverse Dimensions of higher-dimensional spacetime. Discusses unique applications of supergravity in superstrings and membrane theory. Applies his supergravity searches and solutions to the theory of fundamental supermembranes. Looks for a different type of supergravity in M-Theory and F-Theory in order to create a unique and complete unifying theory of fundamental interactions. Boris Stoyanov graduated with the Master of Liberal Arts in Mathematics from Harvard University with a diploma thesis on a special topic in Mathematical Physics: "The Structures of Symplectic Scalar Supercurvature on Supermanifolds". He is a Doctor of Philosophy in Theoretical Physics with studies of Supergravity Constructions in Membrane Theory completed at MIT / SUGRA INSTITUTE with the topic: "The Exclusive Higher Dimensional Constructions of Supegravity with Multiple Brane Systems". In 2017 he created his own Institute of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics for research in Supergravity, Superstring Theory and Supersymmetry, registered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, with the unique name SUGRA INSTITUTE. Boris Stoyanov is Executive Director of the high-energy physics laboratory in Cambridge, United Kingdom called BRANE HEPLAB and Full Professor at DARK MODULI INSTITUTE in London, United Kingdom. In the scientific community he is known for special applications of Supergravity and Superstring Theory in the construction of fundamental supermembranes.
Scientific Research[edit]
Boris Stoyanov[2] start the consideration and examination on the higher-dimensional theories of supergravity with the elegant participation and inclusion of Type IIA, Type IIB and Heterotic Superstrings in different backgrounds of the higher-dimensional spacetime supermanifolds plus inclusion of hypermanifolds of different membrane models. The first stage in the study of Boris Stoyanov[3] on these extraordinary magical theories is the presentation and construction of 10-dimensional Type IIA, Type IIB and Heterotic Supergravities, where elegantly being included in superfield actions, constructions of superstrings with the participation of exceptional supersymmetric transformations in the higher-dimensional curved spacetime. The researcher in Theoretical Physics resolve some problems in the literature and find that the positivity of energy holds in much broader class of Type IIA, Type IIB and Heterotic supergravity theories including exclusive membrane models than previously studied from the theoretical physicists. Supergravity theories in the higher spacetime dimensions play nowadays an important role as low-energy effective field theories of different superstring and membrane theories. Explicit knowledge of this set of theories gives us a powerful tool for exploring the connection between string theory, low-energy physics and membrane theory. On the other hand, the higher supergravity theory could encompass all known supergravities, in the spirit of the membrane theory. The behavior of the bulk and brane systems has been an important ingredient in understanding and quantifying the supergravity, superstring theory and equivalently the higher-dimensional membrane models of supergravity coupled to matter and other special fundamental interactions. The special feature of higher-dimensions which is useful for the study of membranes is that some models admit their interpretation as supergravity and superstring theories in higher dimensional superspace. The advanced research projects of Boris Stoyanov[4] will shows that we have advanced interpretations of the supergravity transformations plus supertstring interactions on a supermanifolds and moduli superspaces solutions, with the possibility that suitable combinations of these transformations in the higher-dimensional interactions directly give rise to advanced membrane models consructions and interpretations. The current research of Boris Stoyanov[5] have shown that there is a large class of solutions to the Type IIA, Type IIB and Heterotic Supergravity formulations including superstrings and fundamental membranes. Boris have a vision for different theoretical developments on the fundamental membrane theories in the higher dimensional curved spacetime in the current issue of supermanifolds based on the superspaces plus their participation in the hyperspace of the multiverse, where swim, interact and live with extreme fundamental development of these membrane parallel universes. The deep relation between superstring theory and the higher dimensional supergravity provides a basis to conjecture the existence of a theory that similarly completes the supergravity constructions in the various fundamental membrane models. Indeed, it was long expected that fundamental membranes play a role analogous to the one that superstrings play in completing ten and eleven dimensional supergravities. This idea was further stimulated by the discovery that when compactifying eleven dimensional supergravity, wrapped membranes naturally turn into the fundamental superstrings of the types IIA, IIB and Heterotic Superstring Theories. All fundamental analysis of Boris Stoyanov[6] is performed at the supergravity level using an effective field theory approach in the higher-dimensional constructions. Several simplifying assumptions are made, in order to restrict the possible in future membrane theory to a tractable, flexible and intuitive system.
Multiversum Doctrina Dominum[edit]
Boris Stoyanov is a pioneer, chief ideologue and founder of the last at current stage of human knowledge field of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics called Multiversum Doctrina Dominum /MDD-Theory/ with a name derived from Latin, which means the Master Theory of Multiverse. The main idea and goal of the theory is to unite, expand and construct all probable structures of the Multiverse with the exclusive and main component of fundamental membrane systems of parallel universes living in conventional hyperspaces. Multiversum Doctrina Dominum by its nature and fundamental structure is a type of Membrane Theory includes realizations, interpretations and constructions of multiple fundamental brane systems, each of them with a different, characteristic and extreme nature. The Philosophy of the introduced theory is to build a complete probabilistic picture of an indefinite number of parallel universes in a vast hyperspace of the multiverse. The special feature of higher-dimensions which is useful for the study of membrane universes is that some models admit their interpretation as supergravity and superstring theories in higher dimensional curved superspace. The MDD-Theory find exclusive sources of interactions between different membrane universes, for any higher-dimensional surface of the curved spacetime in the multiverse hyperspace. Using the results that Boris Stoyanov have covered as a starting point the most urgent area of investigation is clearly the dynamics of multiple supermembranes. Here Boris Stoyanov have surveyed some recent progress in this direction but it is likely that much more will come in the near future. Using MDD-Theory Boris Stoyanov introduces the concepts of mirror, ghost and shadow brane-antibrane systems, brane collections, hyperdomain of hypermanifolds, conventional hyperspaces and a number of higher-dimensional interactions of multiple brane systems in hidden and observable sectors of the multiverse. There are of course many other open questions within the vast and beautiful structure of the modern membrane theory, we hope that their resolution and extreme theoretical framework will continue to benefit the beautiful constructions with both fundamental mathematics and theoretical physics. The physics of fundamental supermembranes of Multiversum Doctrina Dominum will develop and reshaped the fundamental picture with the advanced knowledge of the world in which we live and will extremely create the necessary idea of our multiverse in the very near future for the mankind.
Geometry of Hypermanifolds[edit]
Boris Stoyanov aims to build a fundamentally new field of Physics and Mathematics considering conventional models of hypermanifolds and hyperspaces, briefly called the Geometry of Hypermanifolds or Hypergeometry. The project for a new type of Mathematical Physics will be a similar consequence of the Geometry of Manifolds and Supermanifolds, already introduced and used successfully by physicists and mathematicians. The aim is to generalize this point of view, introducing hypermanifolds as hyperspaces, which are the hypergeometric counterpart of locally superspaces known so far and presented in contemporary literature. The concept of hypermanifolds will be built in the interior of the hyperdomain with different collections of possible brane systems. These hyperdomains are actually able to construct local conventional hyperspaces with the noninvertible extension of the notion of a hypermanifold with the addition of coordinate hypermaps. The hypermanifold is a specific type of hyperspace, which we describe via alocal hypermodel, namely it is locally isomorphic to the hyperspace introduced previously. Morphisms of hypermanifolds are morphisms of the underlying hyperspaces. The presence of coordinates in special hypermaps steals some of the geometric intuition away from the language of supergeometry and subsequently hypergeoremetry. Geometric integration theory on hypermanifolds will be presented with the aid of a maximum principle in the complex hyperdomain. Invariant integration on homogeneous and inhomogeneous hypermanifolds will build the overall picture and show the way for the construction of realistic hyperdomains. From the point of view of the geometry and analysis of the hyperspaces, it is desirable to have generalizations of all of these facts to the hypermathematical context to show the way to building a realistic membrane theory with the inclusion of multiple brane systems.
Theory of Hypergravity[edit]
The question Boris Stoyanov seek to answer is whether the set of consistent deformations of the free theory leads uniquely to generalized hypergravity. The current approach assumes neither general covariance nor local hypersymmetry or hypergeometry to begin with the outlined hypergravity theory, that to some extend parallels the membrane theories. The advantage of this theoretical approach is that it systematizes the search for all possible consistent interactions in one unified theoretical framework. The hypergravity interaction is defined with the creation of the effective interaction with insertions of indefinite number of the fundamental membranes along the other higher-dimensional hypermanifolds. Aside from the categorical formulation, these ideas are not new in theoretical physics. In particular, the picture of a multiple branes which comes into play only at the membrane theory and softens out short distance behavior is very similar to supersymmetric gravitational and string theories. The task of formulating a unitary renormalizable theory of Quantum Gravity isapparently the most outstanding one in contemporary Theoretical Physics. Numerous various field-theoretical approaches have been proposed, however each one fails to meet all basic physical or mathematical requirements. Simultaneous feature of unitary and renormalizability of such theories has been one of the most difficult requirements. The justification for any fundamental reformulation must be that it opens new possibilities for investigation. There are of course many other open questions within the vast and beautiful structure of the modern membrane theory, and strong hope that their resolution and extreme theoretical framework will continue to benefit the beautiful constructions with both fundamental mathematics and theoretical physics. Further work in this direction has the potential to shed light on the relation to recent advances in our understanding of the hypergravity. Nevertheless, even given the limitations of our computations, the results do have some interesting ranges of validity in the construction of realistic membrane theory with inclusion of hypergravity. It would be interesting to see whether these exceptional cases can be given a higher-dimensional interpretation by some other engineering techniques. In the potencial theory of hypergravity are many technical issues raised by the current computations which should be solved and which moreover can be solved with presently available technology.
Realistic Membrane Theory[edit]
Boris Stoyanov[7] examine models directly related to membrane universes and a wide range of direct applications of the contemporary theoretical and mathematical physics in its various manifestations, realizations and shapes. He present different supersymmetric membrane solutions of eleven-dimensional supergravity with special realizations of the highly extreme areas of superstring theory, M-Theory and F-Theory. The theory allows for the existence of many parallel universes where the laws of nature are slightly different from ours and describe another type equations. The membranes enable a whole new range of possibilities in the field of physics of extra dimensions, as the particles with their quantum fields limited to the membrane will interact through various fundamental laws of a parallel universes. Boris Stoyanov have shown that mirror universes can provide a significant contribution to the energy density of the multiverse, and thus they could represent the component of dark matter and dark energy making up the special type of mirror universes with their fundamental interactions. The significant breakthrough and interpretations with the sense over theories in higher dimensions and the victory of the theory of hyperspace in the identification and examination of higher dimensions of spacetime. Supergravity is comparatively beautiful theory that has long existed in the shadow of superstring theory as a unifying universal theory. Supergravity posits that the universe consists of eleven dimensions. For the eleventh dimension is assumed that there coexist various membranes which are models of parallel universes. Boris Stoyanov examine the multiverse of a somewhat different kind envisaged in the supergravity, superstring theory and their higher and elegant extension M-theory. These theories require the presence of ten or eleven spacetime dimensions respectively which elegant give rise to the more fundamental theory of multiverse. In the membrane theory our universe and others are the result of collisions between membranes in eleven dimensional spacetime. The membrane theory allows for the consideration of many different internal spaces in hyperspace - as much as a huge number of different parallel universes exist, interact and swim in the multiverse with its own special set of laws of nature and different physics. Using the results that Boris Stoyanov covered as a starting point, the most urgent area of investigation is clearly the dynamics of multiple supermembranes. The problem with realistic construction of memebrane theory would arise if higher dimensions are invisible to us, at least in conventional ways to verify the theory. In fact, membrane theory allows for the consideration of many different internal spaces in hyperspace, as much as a huge number of different parallel universes exist, interact and swim in the multiverse with its own special set of laws of nature and different physics. In the membrane theory our universe and others are the result of collisions between membranes in eleven dimensional space-time. Unlike quantum universes in the multiverse membrane universes can have completely different laws of physics, it no limit and anything is possible, by the theory can realize all the possibilities of their existence and fundamental nature.
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