Interpretation of the fluctuating photoelectric effects of light

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Interpretation of the fluctuating photoelectric effects of light(wps translate) Chen Yangshun

Cuizhuang Village, Linzhang County, Handan City, Hebei Province, China 056601; email

In 1905, Einstein successfully explained the particle effect of light. Ten years later, I successfully explained the photoelectric effect with the theory of fluctuation.

In the 17th century, Kadir proposed two hypotheses of light; one was that light was composed of small particles, and the other was that light had waves propagating by aether. After this developed into the particle said and fluctuation said
Newton divided the light into seven colors through a prism, and proposed that the light was composed of particles. With Newton's powerful influence in the physics world. Parsay have an absolute advantage.
Later, Thomas Yang, proved the volatility of the light through a two-slit interference experiment. Fresnel predicted the existence of Poisson's bright spot. Poisson demonstrated its existence and found the diffraction of light. The fluctuation theory overcame the particle theory and became the ruling power of optics.
In 1887, Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. The fluctuation theory of light has problems in explaining the photoelectric effects.
In 1905, Einstein's particle theory of light successfully explained the photoelectric effect, and won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921.

The energy of light is one by one, each photon has the same energy, and an electron can absorb only one photon. The energy of a photon minus the energy needed for an electron to escape the orbit, and the remaining energy is the energy of the electron. Because the energy required for photon and electron escape is certain, the photoelectron energy is determined. Thus there is a maximum velocity. This is the cut-off voltage.
The energy of the photon is proportional to the frequency of the photon vibration. When the frequency of the electromagnetic wave is low, the photon energy is insufficient to knock the electrons out of the orbit. This explains the cutoff frequency.
Because the number of photons is limited, the hit electron is finite. This explains the maximum electric current.
Because the photoelectric effect is the impact of photons and electrons, the time is extremely short, which is instantaneous.
Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his successful interpretation of photoelectric effects.

More than another 100 years have passed. I found that, in fact, we can use the fluctuation theory to explain the photoelectric effect. The reason why we used the fluctuation theory to explain the photoelectric effect was because we used a continuous, large range of electromagnetic waves. When we use a small piece, a small piece, a small piece of electromagnetic waves, we successfully explain the photoelectric effect.
Cutoff frequency; this reconciliation and good explanation, resonance! They resonate when the frequency of electromagnetic waves vibrate, approaching the frequency of electrons rotating around the nucleus. So the electronics overflow. So why do electrons overflow when the light frequency is above the cutoff frequency? First of all, the light is only a short part of the electromagnetic waves, and its frequency is 3.9 * 10 (14) to 7.5 * 10 (14) Hertz. The frequency of the light just having the photoelectric effect is only close to the frequency of the electron turning around the nucleus, and when the frequency of the light increases, it is closer. The resonance is more intense, so that when the frequency increases, the optoelectronic energy is higher. In the absolute resonance theory, when the frequency of the electromagnetic wave increases, then the energy of the photoelectron will decrease. Because the frequency of light vibration is already higher than the frequency of electrons shaking around the nucleus. But by this time, it was no longer visible light. Finally, the photoelectric effect disappears. However, with the increase of the frequency, a new photoelectric effect will occur. Because he had a new resonance with the electrons in the inner orbit.
Cut-off voltage; the resonance disappears when electrons overflow from atoms. Photoelectron can get only a small amount of energy that resonates together. This is the first factor in the presence of a cut-off voltage. Although, the electromagnetic wave fluctuations have strong and weak, but it conforms to the normal distribution, and the distribution is more concentrated, the vibration energy is too strong and too weak are very few. Very little energy is too high to be measured. This is the second factor in the presence of a cut-off voltage. The stronger the light wave energy, the shorter the resonance time, the weaker the light wave vibration, the longer the resonance time, this is the third factor in the existence of a cut-off voltage.
Maximum current; for small segments, small pieces of light. Electrons vary in the state of the atomic and. When a small piece of light hits the metal, the electrons overflow at different times. Because electromagnetic waves are limited, the number of photoelectrons is also limited. This is the maximum electric current. When the light becomes stronger, and the number of small pieces of light increases, the number of photoelectrons increases, and the maximum current increases. The light becomes stronger, not the amplitude of the light wave increases, but the amount of small pieces of light increases. Thus increasing the maximum electric current.
Instantaneous; the frequency of photon vibration is up to 3.9 * 10 (14) Hz, the photoelectric effect occurs 100 times, that time is less than 10 (-11) s. The result of this observation has been made.

Since light is small pieces, why the light we see is continuous. Watching TV is, as long as the picture change frequency reaches 20 pieces per second. What we see is the continuous animation. In other words, it shines into our eyes at 60 times per second. Even if the light is not very evenly distributed, we see a continuous stream of light. The speed of light is up to 300,000 kilometers per second. The light shining into our eyes is more than 60 short segments, which is why the light we see is continuous. The led lamp we use now, the frequency of light flicker is 50 Hz, we also can't feel his flicker.
Although Einstein explained the four characteristics of the photoelectric effect with the particle theory, two problems could not be solved. The first, light shines through the metal, so why do electrons play in the direction of the light. Second, he is unable to solve the interference and diffraction of light.

There is another experiment that can prove that light is a little piece, a little piece. When we turned on the two lights, no resonance was observed, but the lights in the house were brighter. But when we turn on a light and take a mirror to reflect his light, it will interfere with the original light. I did this experiment, and you can do it, too. Very simple. Why is this? Because the short segments of a little light are out of sync. But when the light from a lamp is synchronized, and when the mirror reflects its light to the wall, it interferes.

The evidence that light is particle is not only the photoelectric effect, but this paper mainly explains the photoelectric effect through the fluctuation theory. As for the particle of particle particles, this article does not discuss. I am just an ordinary person who, if first, denies the basic physics conclusion of wave-particle duality of light. I worry, you treat me like a mental illness and put me in a mental hospital.

CONCLUSION I successfully explained the photoelectric effect with the fluctuation theory. Reference document; 1; junior high school chemistry textbook 2; High school physics textbook 3; News fly spark big model Thanks, middle school chemistry teacher; high school physics teacher

The Explanation of Photoelectric Effect by the Fluctuation of Light(Baidu Translate) Chen Yangshun Cuizhuang Village, Zhuanzhaiying Town, Linzhang County, Handan City, Hebei Province, China 056601; E-mail Summary; In 1905, Einstein successfully explained the photoelectric effect using the particle nature of light. 100 years later, I successfully explained the photoelectric effect using wave theory. In the 17th century, Cardiel proposed two hypotheses about light; One is that light is composed of small particles, and the other is that light has waves that propagate through the ether. Afterwards, it developed into particle theory and wave theory Newton divided light into seven colors through a prism and proposed that light is composed of particles. Thanks to Newton's powerful influence in the field of physics. The particle theory has an absolute advantage. Afterwards, Thomas Yang demonstrated the wave nature of light through double slit interference experiments. Fresnel predicted the existence of Poisson's patches. Poisson proved its existence and discovered diffraction of light. Wave theory defeated particle theory and became the dominant force in optics. In 1887, Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for it. The wave theory of light has encountered problems in explaining the photoelectric effect. In 1905, Einstein successfully explained the photoelectric effect using the particle theory of light and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. The specific explanation is as follows:; The energy of light is one by one, and the energy of each photon is the same. An electron can only absorb one photon. The energy of a photon minus the energy required for an electron to escape from its orbit is the energy of the electron. Because the energy required for photon and electron escape is constant, the energy of photoelectrons is determined. Therefore, there exists a maximum speed. The cut-off voltage also appeared. The energy of photons is directly proportional to the frequency of photon vibration. When the frequency of electromagnetic waves is low, the energy of photons is insufficient to knock electrons out of orbit. This explains the cutoff frequency. Because the number of photons is limited, the electrons being ejected are limited. This explains the maximum current. Because the photoelectric effect is the collision of photons and electrons, the time is extremely short, and this solution is instantaneous. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for successfully explaining the photoelectric effect using particle theory.

More than 100 years have passed. I have found that we can actually explain the photoelectric effect using wave theory. The reason why we cannot explain the photoelectric effect using wave theory is because we are using continuous electromagnetic waves over a large range. When we use small sections, small sections, small pieces of electromagnetic waves, we successfully explain the photoelectric effect. Cutoff frequency; Is this easy to explain, resonance! When the frequency of electromagnetic wave vibration approaches the frequency at which electrons rotate around atomic nuclei, resonance occurs. So the electrons overflowed. Why do electrons overflow when the frequency of light is higher than the cutoff frequency? Firstly, light is just a small segment of electromagnetic waves, with frequencies ranging from 3.9 * 10 (14) to 7.5 * 10 (14) hertz. The frequency of light that has just undergone photoelectric effects is only close to the frequency of electrons rotating around atomic nuclei. As the frequency of light increases, it becomes even closer. Resonance is stronger, so as the frequency increases, the energy of photoelectrons increases. According to the fundamental resonance theory, as the frequency of electromagnetic waves increases, the energy of photoelectrons will decrease. Because the frequency of light vibration is already higher than the frequency of electrons vibrating around atomic nuclei. But by this time, it was no longer visible light. Finally, the photoelectric effect disappears. But as the frequency increases, new photoelectric effects will occur. Because he experiences a new resonance with the electrons in the inner orbital. Cutoff voltage; No matter how long the electromagnetic wave lasts, resonance disappears when electrons overflow from the atom. The energy that photoelectrons can obtain is only a small amount of energy that resonates together. This is the first factor that affects the existence of cutoff voltage. Although electromagnetic waves have varying strengths and weaknesses, they follow a normal distribution and are relatively concentrated, with very few vibrations that are too strong or too weak. The energy is too high, so it cannot be measured. This is the second factor that affects the cutoff voltage. The stronger the energy of the light wave, the shorter the resonance time, the weaker the vibration of the light wave, and the longer the resonance time. This is the third factor that affects the existence of cutoff voltage. Maximum current; Because light travels in small segments, one piece at a time. Electrons have different states in atoms and. When a small piece of light shines on a metal, the time for electrons to overflow varies depending on their state. Because electromagnetic waves are finite, the number of photoelectrons is also limited. This is the maximum current. When the light intensity increases, the number of small segments of light increases, and the number of photoelectrons also increases, resulting in an increase in the maximum current. The increase in light intensity is not due to an increase in the amplitude of light wave vibration, but rather to an increase in the number of small segments of light. Thereby increasing the maximum current. Instantaneous; The frequency of photon vibration is as high as 3.9 * 10 (14) Hertz, and if the photoelectric effect occurs after 100 vibrations, the time is also less than 10 (-11) seconds. The result of this observation has been consistent. Why is the light we see continuous since it is small pieces, small pieces, small segments, and small segments. Watching TV, as long as the screen change frequency reaches 20 frames per second. What we see is a continuous animation. In other words, as long as the light shining into our eyes is greater than 60 short segments per second. Even if the distribution of light is not very uniform, what we see is still continuous light. And the speed of light can reach up to 300000 kilometers per second. The light that shines into our eyes in one second is not just 60 short segments, which is why the light we see is continuous. The LED light we are currently using flickers at a frequency of 50 Hz, and we cannot feel its flicker either. Although Einstein explained the four characteristics of the photoelectric effect using particle theory, there were two problems that could not be solved. The first one is why electrons shoot out from the direction of light when light enters the metal through this surface. The second one is that he cannot solve the interference and diffraction of light. There is another experiment that can prove that light is a small piece, a small piece, a small piece. When we turned on the two lights, we did not observe any resonance, but the lights in the room were clearer. But when we turn on a lamp and use a mirror to reflect its light, it will interfere with the original light. I have done this experiment, you can also do it. It's very simple. Why is this? Because the two lights emit small segments of light that are not synchronized. But the light emitted by a lamp is synchronized, and when a mirror reflects its light onto a wall, it undergoes interference. The evidence for the particle nature of light goes beyond the photoelectric effect, but this article mainly explains the photoelectric effect through wave theory. As for the non particle nature of light, this article will not discuss it. I am just an ordinary person, and if I were to come up with it, I would deny the fundamental physics conclusion of the wave particle duality of light. I'm worried, you treat me like a mental illness and lock me up in a mental hospital. Conclusion: I successfully explained the photoelectric effect using wave theory. Reference documents; 1; Junior high school chemistry textbook 2; High School Physics Textbook 3; IFlytek Spark Big Model Thank you, junior high school chemistry teacher; High school physics teacher


 摘要;1905年, 爱因斯坦成功的用光的粒子性解释了光电效应。100年后我成功的用波动学说解释了光电效应。

17世纪,卡迪尔提出光的两种假说;一个是光是由一个个小微粒组成的,另一个是光是有靠以太传播的波。在这后发展成微粒说和波动说 牛顿通过三棱镜将光分成七种颜色,并提出光是有粒子组成。凭借牛顿在物理界强大的影响力。微粒说占了绝对优势。 之后,托马斯 杨,通过双缝干涉实验证明了光的波动性。菲涅尔预言啦泊松亮斑的存在。泊松证明了它的存在,发现了光的衍射。波动学说战胜了粒子学说,成为统治光学的力量。


具体是这样解释的;光的能量是的一个一个的,每个光子的能量是一样的,一个电子只能吸收一个光子。一个光子的能量减去电子逃出轨道需要的能量,剩下的能量就是电子的能量。因为光子和电子逃逸需要的能量是一定的,所以光电子能量时确定的。因此存在最大速度。也就出现了截止电压。 光子的能量和光子震动的频率成正比,当电磁波的频率低时,光子能量不足,无法将电子从轨道击出。这解释了截止频率。 因为光子的数量是有限的,所以被打出的电子因为有限的。这解释了最大电流。 因为光电效应是光子和电子的撞击,所以时间极短,这解决是瞬时性。


截止频率;这个和好解释,共振吗!当电磁波震动的频率,接近电子围绕原子核转动的频率时,他们发生了共振。于是电子溢出。那为什么光的频率高于截止频率时也会有电子溢出呢?首先,光只是电磁波的一小段,他的频率是3.9*10(14)到7.5*10(14)赫兹。而刚发生光电效应的光的频率只是接近了电子围绕原子核转动的频率,当光的频率增加是,就更接近了。共振更加强烈,所以当频率升高时,光电子的能量就更高了。根绝共振理论,当电磁波频率在升高,那么光电子的能量将降低。因为光震动的频率已经高于,电子围绕原子核震动的频率。可这时,早已经不是可见光了。最后光电效应消失。但随着频率的在提高,又会发生新的光电效应。因为他跟内层轨道的电子发生新的共振。 截止电压;不管电磁波波动的时间有多长,当电子从原子溢出时,共振也就消失了。光电子能获得的能量只有一起共振的那一小段的能量。这是存在截止电压的第一个因素。虽然,电磁波波动的有强有弱,但是它符合正态分布,而且分布比较集中,震动能量太强太弱的都很少。能量太高的很少,所以测不出来。这是存在截止电压的第二个因素。光波能量越强,那共振时间越短,光波震动越弱,那共振的时间越长,这是存在截止电压的第三个因素。 最大电流;因为光时一小段一小段,一小片一小片的。电子在原子和的状态有各不相同。当一小片光照到金属上时,电子因为状态不同溢出的时间也各不相同。因为电磁波是有限的所以,光电子的数量也是有限的。这就是最大电流。当光照变强是,一小段一小段光的数量变多,光电子的数量也就增加,最大电流也就增加。光线变强,不是光波震动幅度增加,而是一小段一小段光的数量增加。从而增加最大电流。 瞬时性;光子震动的频率高达3.9*10(14)赫兹,按震动一百次发生光电效应,那时间也低于10(-11)s。这根观察的结果一直。




光是粒子性的证据不止光电效应,但本文主要通过波动学说解释光电效应。至于光具不具备粒子性,本文不做讨论。我只是一个普通人,如果上来就否定光的波粒二象性这一物理学基本结论。我担心,你们把我当成精神病,把我关精神病院。 结论,我成功的用波动学说解释了光电效应。 参考文件;1;初中化学课本


鸣谢,初中化学老师;高中物理老师 Example text

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