Intergalactic Travel and Riemann Hypothesis - featuring Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Higgs Boson, Higgs Field, Electroweak Interaction, No Big Bang, Other Dimensions, Plus Other Physics and Mathematics
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Using a scientific method that permits arrival at destinations in the universe to occur instantly is not only much more efficient but it avoids dangers like accumulated damage from years of exposure to micrometeorites and cosmic radiation. This article proposes such a method since it's based on an engineering experiment conducted at Yale University and reported in a science journal in 2009. It proposes a mathematical universe - again based on the work of well known scientists but extended into details developed by the author. A universe that is mathematical in its foundation is required since the gravitational-electromagnetic unification spoken of in connection with the Yale experiment is proposed to function topologically (using the Mobius strip and figure-8 Klein bottle). Admittedly, this proposal is based on technology which has not yet been developed - except for the Yale experiment - but since the first step in developing this technology may already have been taken 13 years ago, determined efforts should see its fulfillment in 50-100 years. And of course, the technology is not limited to travel within the solar system - say, to Jupiter’s moon Europa or to Mars where instant travel would save astronauts and cosmonauts from many months of isolation/threats to muscles and bones/radiation etc. It could also be used for interstellar and intergalactic exploration, and even for investigations into Earth's past and future if the potential for time travel is realized.
Most people aren’t accustomed to thinking that the universe is literally composed of mathematics (binary digits, Mobius strips, figure-8 Klein bottles, Wick rotation). The author developed these ideas after reading about several professors - John Wheeler, Max Tegmark, Erik Verlinde, Ed Fredkin, and Rafael Sorkin. The Introduction will provide understanding that the Riemann hypothesis doesn’t just apply to the distribution of prime numbers but can also apply to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe’s space-time. When applied to the universe, it explains the static universe, dark matter, dark energy, the Higgs boson/field, and aspects of particle physics like the electroweak interaction.
The long preface primarily focuses on three topics – a) Since the Klein bottle is 2-dimensional, the statement in the file [in the section BITS AND TOPOLOGY] about a couple of two-dimensional Mobius strips uniting to form a three-dimensional figure-8 Klein bottle needs further explanation, b) other large-scale dimensions, addressed via what is termed the Mobius Matrix, and c) antigravitons - and their extension, dark energy - can thus be mistaken for "repelling gravitation" which causes the universe to expand from a Big Bang.